Who We Are

The Christian Association of World Languages (CAWL) is an organization of Christian world language educators. CAWL seeks to provide a forum for the promotion of Christian reflection and practice in the field of world language education, to strengthen the contribution of Christian scholarship in this field to the larger academic world, and to provide Christian world language educators a community and network for support and encouragement.

Christian Association of World Languages' Commitment to Honor and Include the Diverse Voices of God's Global People

Adopted April 9, 2022 

There is an incredible amount of diversity present in God’s creation, and human beings are certainly no exception. CAWL is a community of learners that recognizes the image of God in each person who is created with a unique combination of gifts. God’s intervention at the Tower of Babel, rather than judgment as popularly conceived, was to return humanity to God’s original plan by “scatter[ing] them over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:9). This scattering led to the development of a vast array of cultures and languages, and we see in Revelation 7:9 that this linguistic and ethnic diversity will be maintained among the glorified people of God in the new heaven and the new earth. This picture, however, is also one of unity in diversity, as all the peoples are united in worship of the one true God. 

CAWL is dedicated to reflecting this unity in diversity by building an environment that embraces cultural and linguistic distinctives, and a collegial atmosphere that promotes intercultural understanding, dialogue, and empathy. We believe the community is enriched with a variety of life experiences as each member forms the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12). In creating a dynamic where learners of diverse backgrounds freely and humbly exchange ideas, we seek to strengthen the community of believers.

As a language organization committed to ensuring that diverse voices are well represented, CAWL values and upholds linguistic diversity —understood as distinct languages, accents, registers and proficiencies. We celebrate the global peoples and communities to which we belong that encompass varying linguistic repertoires. We commit to actively fomenting an organizational environment whose scholarship and practices are equitable and just. We acknowledge the systems that have oppressed and silenced historically marginalized people. We seek to empower and amplify these voices, to be a refuge where all are welcomed and to create spaces where honest self-reflection is encouraged and facilitated. 

CAWL fosters healthy discussions on a wide range of topics with kindness, respect, and compassion. Our organization is committed to being seekers of truth and justice in all that we do, including our research endeavors, conferences, and journal publications. We pledge to act with intentionality and integrity as we continue the work of centering the voices that have been historically silenced. We welcome people of all backgrounds and experiences to participate in CAWL, to enrich our community and deepen our bond as Christians, to foment creativity and scholarship, promoting further research in the areas of culture, history, linguistics, literature, and pedagogical practices. This pursuit of excellence and desire to continually improve is motivated by our Christian faith, which encourages us to love God and neighbor with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength (Luke 10:27).