The Journal for Christianity and World Languages (JCWL) welcomes articles and forum essays of high standards that examine the interpretation, scholarship and teaching of world literatures, cultures, languages and language pedagogy at the intersection of disciplinary scholarship and Christian thought. The Journal seeks to promote understanding and dialogue among scholars and educators in Christian and non-Christian academic communities.

Guidelines for Contributors

The Journal of Christianity and World Languages welcomes articles and forum essays of high standards that examine the interpretation, scholarship and teaching of world literatures, cultures, languages and language pedagogy at the intersection of disciplinary scholarship and Christian thought. The Journal seeks to promote understanding and dialogue among scholars and educators in Christian and non-Christian academic communities.

Membership in CAWL is required for publication.

Manuscript Preparation

  • Previously unpublished manuscripts in English

  • MS Word-compatible format

  • Author’s name and identifying information removed

  • Articles fully referenced with bibliography

  • 50–80 word abstract for article submissions

  • Most recent MLA format, footnotes (not endnotes)

  • Scripture translation in a footnote the first time it appears and in the bibliography


  1. A cover letter including the title of the article, 50–80 word abstract, author’s name, affiliation, address and email address

  2. Original manuscript in a MS Word-compatible format with the author’s name and identifying marks removed

  3. Email submissions to the editors at JCWL@baylor.edu

Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines will not be considered. Authors are responsible for accuracy and for proofreading their own material. JCWL is an evolving publication; therefore guidelines may change without notice

Criteria and Publication

JCWL includes publication of a broad range of articles and authors with quality as the overriding criterion. Submitted articles are reviewed in accordance with the purpose statement of JCWL.


All articles considered for publication are double blind peer reviewed; final decisions regarding publication rest with the editor. Graduate students, but not undergraduate students, may submit articles for consideration by providing the name of their faculty mentor. Length for scholarly articles is 3,000–5,000 words.


Forum contributions may be less formal, but still retain an academic focus and relevance to the concerns of the Journal. Forum essays are intended to promote collegial dialogue through thoughtful, short form writing. Submissions not clearly reflecting a Christian perspective but of general interest to the Christian community or of such character as to promote communication between Christians and non-Christians may be considered. Length for forums is 1,000–1,500 words.


Reviews of books and films may be assigned or submitted. Length for reviews is 800–1,000 words. The author retains republication rights, but by agreeing to publication in JCWL gives permission, unless exception is explicitly agreed, for the article to appear at a later date as part of the Journal’s online archive. Preference may be extended to authors who have not published in the Journal in the past two volumes.

Manuscripts and inquiries may be sent by email to JCWL@baylor.edu.