CAWL Store

Welcome to the CAWL Store! On this page you can become a member, register for the annual conference, and/or order a library subscription to the journal.

To become a member, subscribe to the journal or register for the conference, please complete this two-step process:

  1. Click here to submit your request: MEMBERSHIP/REGISTRATION FORM (we use the same form for all transactions)

  2. Submit your payment using the payment buttons below.


Conference Registration

Conference registration rates include the conference fee, annual membership fee and a subscription to the JCWL.

Registration deadline: January 31, 2025.

Regular rate: $190

Emeritus rate: $100

Student rate: $80

Late registration: rate + $20



Those who are unable to attend the annual conference are encouraged to maintain membership in the organization. Membership is valid for one calendar year and includes a subscription to the JCWL.

Regular rate: $30

Emeritus rate: $20

Student rate: $20


Journal Subscriptions

All members receive a copy of the journal as a part of their annual membership. Libraries may purchase a subscription to the journal at the following rates:

Domestic Library (USA): $30

International Library: $50

Continue scrolling down to to access the appropriate payment button.

Payment Buttons

Select the rate that your would like to purchase. Conference attendees should select the applicable CONFERENCE + MEMBERSHIP rate. Those who do not plan to attend the conference but wish to remain a member of CAWL and receive a copy of the journal should select the applicable MEMBERSHIP rate. Libraries wishing to order a copy of the journal should use the applicable LIBRARY rate. Scroll down to access all rates.

Conference + Membership

Payment buttons for the 2025 conference at Wheaton College will be published during the fall of 2024.

2024 Membership Only

Regular Membership only (includes journal)


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Emeritus Membership only (includes journal)


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Student Membership only (includes journal)


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2024 Journal Subscriptions
(Libraries only)

Library-Domestic USA (includes journal)


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Library-International (includes journal)


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